Brown Sugar Oat Milk Shaken Espresso - We tried the newly launched drink and here's what we think!

For the past few days all we could see on our Insta and Youtube feeds was the newest coffee launched by Starbucks - The Brown Sugar Oat Milk Shaken Espresso. Even though this coffee was launched very recently and just in the US, it has already started making its marks all over the Internet.

Being as crazy about Coffee as we are, we decided to give this a try, by making it all from scratch. To be fair, it's a pretty simple drink to make and came together in minutes.

What is a Shaken Espresso?

Think Espresso Martini, minus the Alcohol. So basically the drink shaking technique is borrowed from the mixologists. The vigorous shaking cools down the drink fast without diluting it.

For this one today I'm not worried about the dilution part as it is anyways an Iced Coffee but the fast cooling technique does help without any doubt. 

So let me first tell you what we did to make this recipe and then I'll give you my honest opinion on this!

Making the Brown Sugar Oat Milk Shaken Espresso

Brown Sugar Oat milk Shaken Espresso

What we need -

  1. Ice Cubes - Loads of 'em
  2. Brown Sugar Simple Syrup - 45 ml (3 tbsp) We made this from scratch, read on to find out how
  3. Cinnamon - 1 pinch
  4. Espresso Shot - 3 (90 ml)
  5. Oat milk - 1/4 cup

A Shaker to shake it all...and that's it. Let's get making!!

What do we do -

First of all, we start with making the Brown Sugar Simple Syrup. For this we take equal parts brown sugar and water (we used 1/2 cup each) and simmer them together for 4-5 minutes till its all combined and slightly thickened.

Next, we walk over to our coffee machine and make three shots of espresso for ourselves. But worry not, you can do it with any coffee that's brewed really strong.

And now, what we do is Shake, Shake Shake!

So we get our cocktail shaker and add the following -

  • A lot of ice
  • 45 ml or 3 tbsp of brown sugar simple syrup
  • A pinch of cinnamon
  • 3 shots of Espresso

Shake this up as vigorously as you can.

For the final step, we put some more ice into our serving glass and pour our Shaken Espresso onto it. Top it with Oat Milk and serve.

Our Verdict

Brown Sugar Oat Milk Shaken Espresso

First things first, I love Oat milk! It adds this delightfully creamy consistency to the coffee without making it unnecessarily heavy like actual cream or even milk would. 

Plus the bland taste of oat milk balances really well with the espresso coffee shots that are slightly acidic in nature, making it a perfect drink for any time of the day. 

The brown sugar adds a nice caramel kind of hint to the coffee that pairs nicely with the hint of cinnamon in it. 

All in all, your first sip of this Brown Sugar Oat milk Shaken Espresso will be a frenzy of flavours with good strong coffee notes, creamy oat milk, caramelly sweetness and the hint of cinnamon! 

Its a sure shot trip to the coffee heaven and is definitely recommended!

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